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festival of Holi

The main legend of the festival of Holi, and the reason why it acquired the name, centers on the story of King Hiranyakashyap. The proud Kin...

The main legend of the festival of Holi, and the reason why it acquired the name, centers on the story of King Hiranyakashyap. The proud King insisted that all his people worship nobody but him. However, his own son Prahlad worshipped Lord Vishnu. In anger, the King told his sister Holika to step into a fire with his son. Holika had received a special boon which ensured that she would never be harmed by flames. She took Prahlad up on to a tower of wooden logs, telling him that by climbing to the top he would be able to come in close contact with all the heavenly Gods. Prahlad readily went with her.

However, Holika was unaware that the boon was effective only on condition that she enter a fire alone. Not being aware of this, Holika stepped into the flames with Prahlad and was herself destroyed. Prahlad was not harmed in any way, thanks to his loyal devotion to Lord Vishnu.
Chhota Holi traditions
In keeping with the above-mentioned legend, a traditional fire is burnt on the night of the Holi festival to indicate a destruction of all evil by all that is good. This ritual is known as Holika Dahan and involves burning an effigy of Holika. The day is also popularly called Chhota Holi (small Holi). Sometimes an official priest presides over the traditional fire, chanting the specific Rig Veda mantras. A coconut is thrown into the fire as an offering. Some people also smear the ashes left from the fire the next day, as a kind of purification of the body since the ashes are considered to be holy.
The day of throwing colours and water balloons also has an unusual aspect to it. Known as शिमगा in Marathi, on this day you can curse anybody! Whatever cuss words are said are said in a spirit of fun and no genuine hurt is meant. Hence the Hindi words “Bura na mano, Holi hai!” (don’t feel bad, it is Holi!) are often said after throwing colour or a water balloon!

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