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                     Sri-vaibhav-laxmi- vrat-katha Sri Vaibhav Laxmi vrat katha Sri Vaibhav LaxmiVrat Katha Friday is dedicated to the Sri V...


Friday is dedicated to the Sri Vaibhav Laxmi Vrat. It is believed that this fast bless the wealth and happiness to the devotees. Girls, Men and Women can perform this fast but it is said that it is more fruitful to the married women. The fast of Vaibhav Laxmi is performed for continuous 11 and 21 Friday’s.
Once, deity Parvati saw the sufferings of the people of the Earth then she asked to the Lord Shiva “what is the reason that some people have lots of money while some are trying very hard to get money.”
Lord Shiva replied, Goddess Vaibhav Laxmi is the deity of wealth such as money, gold, grains, name and fame so she decided the fate of the people to become rich and poor. Hence, people pray and take fast of Sri Vaibhav Laxmi to please her. Those persons who do not believe and  ignore the deity Laxmi will never tastes success and victory.
After listening the significance of Vaibhav Laxmi, Goddess Parvati requested to the Lord Shiva to narrate the story of her. To hear the request of the Parvati Lord Shiva was pleased and told please Listen carefully about the history of Vaibhav Laxmi.
In the ancient time, sage Bhrugu did harder penance or Tapasya of Goddess Parashakti. To see his hard penance Goddess Parashakti appeared in front of him and asked him for a boon. Then sage Bhrugu asked the Goddess Parashakti, “you are the mother of the whole universe, this world is completely depends on your three forms Power, Intelligence and Money. The form of Power denotes Goddess Parvati that is the wife of Lord Shiva. Your Intelligence form is known as Goddess Saraswati, wife of Lord Brahma. I wish to get your third form Money as a daughter. As per the boon Goddess Laxmi was born in the home of Bhrugu and when she became younger Bhrugu married her to the Lord Vishnu.
After marriage to Lord Vishnu asked Goddess Laxmi to grant enormous wealth to all Gods. But after getting the affluence the king of Gods Indra becazme arrogant and insulted the sage Durvasa due to this sage Durvasa cursed him that Goddess Laxmi was disappearred from everywhere. Because of the influence of the curse Lord Vishnu also felt alone.
When Gods was troubled in the absence of Laxmi they approached to the Lord Vishnu for aid. Then Lord Vishnu suggest to churn the Ksheer Sagar with the help of demons. During the process of Churning Ksheer Sagar many things was appeared that are divided equally among Gods and Demons. Apart from this, Goddess Laxmi was appeared and bless wealth to the Gods. On the request of the king of Gods Goddess Laxmi was emerge in the eight forms that are Aadi Laxmi, Veera Laxmi, Dhanya Laxmi, Santhana Laxmi, Gaja Laxmi, Vidya Laxmi, Vijya Laxmi and Dhana Laxmi.
It is said that, Dhana Laxmi is the best form from the all eight forms. Dhana Laxmi is also known as Vaibhav Laxmi and Aishwarya Laxmi. She was appeared from the Ksheer Sagar so she was recognized as a daughter of the Ksheer Sagar.
Once all sages were met and started a discussion about the Gods. All sages have different opinion about the greatness of the Lord Shiva, Vishnu and Brahma. Therefore all the sages were deciding to take an assessment of Lord Shiva, Vishnu and Brahma. For this, sage Bhragu went to meet Lord Brahma and Lord Shiva at odd times, both Lords ignored him. At last, he visits to the Vaikunth Lok to meet Lord Vishnu where Goddess Laxmi and Lord Vishnu were busy in playing the dice. They doesn’t acknowledge the sage because of sage Bhrugu feel insulted and hit the heart of the Lord Vishnu by his foot. Then Lord Vishnu hold his feet and asked him about his visit then sage Bhrugu announced him great then any other Lord. But Goddess Laxmi, gets fury and leave Lord Vishnu because he did not punished the sage to hit in her living place.
After this incident, Lord Vishnu turns poor and searched Goddess Laxmi in whole Universe. After a long period he find it in Kolhapur as a daughter of Brahman. Lord Vishnu went to him and give him a proposal of marriage to his daughter. The Brahmin asked him that he have to arrange all the marriage ritual items but he has no money so he went to Kubar God of the money and lend some money for marriage rituals. Later then marriage he get Goddess Laxmi as her wife and turned rich. It is said that, Lord Vishnu pay that debt to the Kuber regularly. 
Story of Seela-Suseela-Gunaseela-Vishala
In the ancient time there was a city named Pratishtana Puram. In this city four sisters Seela, Suseela, Gunaseela, Visala were lived with his family. All sisters were dedicated devotee of the Goddess Vaibhav Laxmi. When they turned younger, all married to four wealthy men in the same town. All earn name, fame and money with the time but started to disregard Goddess Vaibhav Laxmi.  
The husband of Sheela was a recognized scholar by his hard work he became wealthy. This wealth gave him ego and he started to ignore the existence of the God due to this Goddess Vaibhav Laxmi decided to teach him a lesson. In a short span his wealth started to decrease and he bound to live his life in poverty.
Susheela’s husband was a commander in the army of the king. He was a great warrior so he was very dear to the king. He also disregard Godess Vaibhav Laxmi so she create such kind of circumstances in which he lost the trust of the king. Due to this, the king ordered to seize his all property and gave him a punishment of imprisionment.
Gunaseela’s husband was a successful trader. He believes that his wealth is due to his trading skills so ignored Goddess Vaibhav Laxmi because of she annoyed with him. Suddenly the trader’s arrogant behaviour made him infamous and other traders made a distance with him so he was moved into poverty.
Visala’s husband is also became a prey of bad habits due to the more wealth. Because of their bad habits like gambling, drinking alcohal etc he loss his all earnings and property.
When all sister’s facing the circumstances of the poverty they prayed to the Goddess Vaibhav Laxmi to help them to gain food  for their childrens. They all are the true devotees of the Goddess Vaibhav Laxmi so she accepted their pray and appears in front of them as a old lady and asked him to perform the fast of

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